Senior’s Quick List

Are you curious about the topics in the Senior’s Mywell Health planner?

Check out the quick list of key topics to learn more.

My Health Information

  1. Do you have all your health information in one place?
  2. Do you have a health profile that includes your current medication list, allergies, and health history?
  3. Do you know how to prepare for health care visits?
  4. Do you know how to collect your  health information from other sources?

My People

  1. Do you have a list of people who you can ask for help, if needed?
  2. Do you have a written, updated contact list of health care and other professionals who support you?
  3. Have you identified a health advocate who can help you to and with health care appointments?
  4. Have you named a temporary substitute decision-maker to speak on your behalf if you are unable to do so?
  5. Have you completed a representation agreement naming a substitute decision-maker to speak on your behalf?
  6. Do you know the difference between care partners and caregivers?


My Day to Day

  1. Do you have a schedule for active living and making and keeping social connections?
  2. Are you aware of age and health requirments for driving assessments?
  3. Have you explored options for transportation other than driving?
  4. Do you know how to get a special parking permit if needed?
  5. Are you interested in learning about nutrition and meal support options?
  6. Do you need some assistance with your daily activities?
  7. Are you looking for ways to track your health, medications, or daily activities?


My Place to Call Home

  1. Have you thought about aging in place (remaining in your home) or other options as you age?
  2. Have you or others identified changes in your personal needs or safety?
  3. Do you know how to get a home safety assessment?
  4. Do you know how to ask for help or how to get home care services?
  5. Are you interested in learning about assisted living or residential care options?

My Financial Plan

  1. Do you have a financial planner, power of attorney, or accountant to help with your finances?
  2. Do you know the cost for your health benefits and travel insurance?
  3. Will your financial planning cover the costs of your changing living arrangements, travel, and health care needs?
  4. Are you comfortable with your financial situation to meet all of your needs as you age?


My End-of-Life Decisions

  1. Have you thought about and shared your end-of-life decisions with those you trust?
  2. Have you talked about and made choices about a DNR or No CPR order, MOST, or organ donation?
  3. Have you completed an advance care plan with those you trust?
  4. In the event that your end of life is near, have you shared where you would like to be, with whom you want to share that time with, and any of  your desired wishes around dying?
  5. Do you have an updated, legal, and properly witnessed will?
  6. Have you reviewed the ‘after a death’ checklist and  shared it with your executor?