In BC, a notary public is a professional who is authorized to witness and certify documents, administer oaths and affirmations, and perform other functions depending on the jurisdiction.
Tips & Links
- Notaries are appointed by the provincial government and must adhere to specific regulations and guidelines outlined in the Notaries Act.
- Look for a notary in your area through the Society’s provincial listing.
- The BC government outlines the role and responsibilities of a notary in authenticating documents such as a power of attorney and a will.
- The notarized document must be signed, dated, and sealed by a B.C. Notary Public (B.C. lawyer or B.C. non-lawyer). Learn more about notaries from the Society of Notaries Public of BC.
- Ensure that when seeking legal advice from a notary or a lawyer, you are aware of their credentials and experience, understand their fees, and feel listened to and comfortable with their advice and direction.
- Once a relationship is made, add your notary to your My Health Care & Business Professional list in the section My People in your Mywell Health planner.
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