A hospitalist is a physician who provides hospital inpatient medical care and manages and coordinates your care throughout your hospital stay.
Tips & Links
- A hospitalist is a physician who is guided by the standards of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in BC.
- Know that a hospitalist may be the physician who completes your hospital assessment if you are admitted to the hospital. They may be in-charge of ordering x-rays, diagnostic tests, and other lab work, oversee the analysis of the test results, order treatments, make referrals to medical or specialist services, prescribe medications, and confirm when you are ready to be discharged.
- The hospitalist communicates with your regular physician or nurse practitioner through a written report of your hospital stay that is entered into your electronic health record. They may also be involved in writing your hospital discharge summary and contacting your physician directly by phone.
- Review the discharge summary with your nurse. It may include changes to your medications and new prescriptions, home treatments, activity restrictions and/or exercises, diet recommendations, a follow-up date to see your physician, nurse practitioner or specialist, and possibly a referral for a home care assessment or home safety assessment.
- Be aware that in most cases, the hospitalist and hospital staff cannot discharge you until the summary is completed and reviewed with you. It is important that your family members, health advocate, or care partners understand all that is written in the hospital discharge summary.
- Know that hospitalists only work in the hospital setting, make sure you get all your questions or concerns answered by the hospitalist before being discharged. Write down the details of your hospital stay, treatments, any side effects to medications, and length of stay.
- Make a list of what is needed before you are discharged from the hospital. Include safe transportation home, any new prescriptions, and any mobility aids/devices or home care equipment required.
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