A social worker in BC plays a vital role in supporting individuals and communities by providing counseling, advocacy, and resources to address social, emotional, and financial challenges.
Tips & Links
- The BC College of Social Workers regulates the practice of social workers in BC.
- Social workers (SW) provide care and support to individuals, couples, families, groups, organizations, and communities to develop the skills and resources they need to function well in society.
- Know that social workers meet with patients and clients to determine their needs. From there, they provide counselling and education to help clients develop skills to deal with their social and personal problems. Some areas of expertise include financial assistance, advocacy, housing, and home care services.
- Social workers are employed in publicly-funded and private practices. Most people meet social workers in the publicly-funded hospital setting. Prior to discharge, it is often a social worker who organizes the services you require to be discharged home.
- It can be a social worker who comes to your home to complete a home care assessment. This assessment determines, based on your safety, assistance required, and income, what amount of care the public system can provide you.
- Learn about how to access private social workers who are registered with the BC College of Social Workers. This does not require a referral and they are paid for by the client, not covered by the medical services plan (MSP).
- Learn about the differences between public versus private services from the government of BC. Eligibility for public services is determined by a case worker and based on your individual care needs as well as your income tax assessments.
- A social worker may be one of your care partners and should be included the section My People in your Mywell Health planner.
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