Emergency contacts are one or two people you choose to be called in case you become unwell, are taken to the hospital, or are in need of help.
Tips & Links
- Make sure your emergency contact(s) information includes their first and last name, phone number, and their relationship or connection to you.
- Discuss your choice of emergency contacts with your family and physician as needed. Typically, emergency contacts are family members and/or close friends. Make sure they live within 15 minutes of you, are available to help during the day, understand your wishes and preferences, and can communicate well with others in emergency situations.
- Consider whether your emergency contact is the same or different from your health advocate and your temporary substitute decision-maker (TSDM) or substitute decision-maker (SDM).
- Ensure that your emergency contacts are current and listed in your health profile and in your list of care partners in your Mywell Health planner.
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