Fluid intake refers to the total amount of liquids consumed by a person in a given period of time, usually within a 24-hour period.
Tips & Links
- Seniors may need to be cautious about your fluid intake because health conditions or aging changes can affect your kidney and heart function.
- Ask your physician or nurse practitioner if you should be monitoring your fluid intake.
- Check out the Healthy Eating Suggestions for Seniors that has been printed in a number of languages. Often a person who needs to be cautious about fluid intake is also on salt reduction diets.
- Learn about ways to reduce sodium (salt) intake that can cause fluid retention from Healthlink BC.
- Dehydration can also be a health issue for seniors. Learn about how medications, illness, lack of thirst, and fear of incontinence can cause dehydration in seniors from Healthlink BC.
- If you have questions about your fluid restrictions or dehydration and how that affects your diet and nutrition, you can email a Dietitian in BC or you can Dial a Dietitian at 811 or for Hard of Hearing 711 from Healthlink BC.
- Use the activities and record sheets in My Day To Day in your Mywell Health planner to monitor and record your daily intake of fluids.
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