Daily Activities

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Daily activities, also referred to as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), are essential tasks that individuals need to perform daily to take care of themselves and maintain independence.

Tips & Links

Everyone performs daily activities, or activities of daily living (ADLs), to get through the day. A person diagnosed with a health condition or experiencing changes in their health or disabilities may struggle with these activities and need assistance.

  1. Personal hygiene: Bathing or showering, grooming (including hair care, shaving, and oral hygiene), toileting, and maintaining skin care routines.
  2. Dressing: Selecting appropriate clothing, putting it on, and fastening buttons or zippers.
  3. Feeding: Preparing meals, handling utensils, and feeding oneself independently.
  4. Mobility: Moving around the home safely, including walking, transferring from sitting to standing, and using mobility assistive devices like canes or walkers if necessary.
  5. Continence management: Maintaining control over bowel and bladder functions or managing incontinence with appropriate aids.
  6. Medication management: Organizing and taking medications at the right time and dosage.
  7. Household tasks: Performing light housekeeping chores such as tidying up, doing laundry, washing dishes, and managing finances.
  8. Communication: Engaging in effective verbal and non-verbal communication, including using phones, computers, or other devices to stay connected with others.

Find Support

Support For Caregivers

Open the Mywell Health activities Getting a Home Care Assessment, Changes in My Personal Needs, and My Home and Living Wishes in My Place to Call Home . Consider completing these activities with a family member or care partners to explore your current abilities and needs.

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